Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Session Nine 6-24-09

Session 9 of HBOT with Sevyn
(diagnosis autism age 3)
Today’s session was in the morning at 10:45. Sevyn was pretty calm when we came in and he jumped right into the chamber again. I hid the DVD player during compression and we talked about the stars again. He was really sweet to me and gave me a big hug. As soon as we reached full compression I told him “first mask then sponge bob” and he let me put the mask around his neck. At the same time I got the DVD player out and turned on his cartoon. He wore the mask as necklace the whole time!! It was great. I could tell the oxygen was getting to his nose and mouth and he was tolerating it! I tried moving the mask up onto his face several times, but no luck. I was just pleased he had it close to his face! I struggled with turning off the DVD player at the end of the session today, but he got over it and with time and patience he’ll get used to me turning it off when we decompress. He said “ we did it” again today when the zippers opened! I love it! After HBOT we went swimming at the pool with a Cranio Sacral therapist Sevyn worked with throughout 2008. She was really amazed by how calm and focused Sevyn was and how healthy looking he is these days! No poop at all today and he seems a little bloated. Skill time was really good today though! We got through all of our colors, shapes, and started to work on letters before he started yelling “all done”! After a break and a snack we came back and got through half the alphabet. I had him sit in a chair from school with buckles (like he would at school) for some circle time songs to work on attending and learning some of the hand gestures. He did alright with this and sang most of the song “Wheels on the bus” with me while doing about 1/4 of the gestures! Improvement YAY!

Session Eight 6-23-09

Session 8 of HBOT with Sevyn
(diagnosis autism age 3)

Last night Sevyn slept for four hours, woke crying for a drink, then slept for another three! He only woke up once! YAY! We had another afternoon session today at 2 and Sevyn was very excited. He wanted to watch cartoons right away, so I tried to put in a different DVD, but he insisted on Sponge Bob. I also wanted him to where the oxygen mask, so I tried the “first and then” method and put the bask around his neck, then when he tried to take it off I quickly offered the DVD player saying “first mask, then Sponge bob.” He had a meltdown over the mask being on his face, but I settled for it being around his neck and knowing the oxygen was blowing into his face. I put my mask on like that too and told him it was a necklace. He wore his “necklace” for about 10 minutes then pulled it off. I turned off the DVD player, he screamed, I said first and then, and he let me put it back on him! He wore it for another 15 minutes or so. I guess Sponge Bob is our reinforcer after all! I turned off the DVD at the end of the session when we decompressed and after he got over the DVD player being gone he was much more focused and did the toning and ear popping techniques with me. We’re figuring this out! Sevyn counted to ten when the zippers opened and said “we did it!” again today! After the HBOT Dr. Matt and were talking in his office and Sevyn jumped up onto his massage table and laid down. He seemed like he wanted to be adjusted so Dr. Matt adjusted him! Sevyn asked for “more” and “again”, he also smiled gratefully at me the whole time he was being worked on! It was so cool to see him asking for help! The adjustments looked like they felt great and Dr. Matt was very gentle with Sevyn. I hope we see more of this! On the ride home he seemed to be telling his dad about the rocket. We heard words like, “rocket, stars, earth, bob-bob, squid ward, and mom! several times. I was a little teary hearing him tell a story with me in it. We still only understand a few words, but he’s talking and it’s getting clearer every time we hear it! His diaper’s (there were two poopies) looked improved but not fully formed today. We’re giving him probiotics and acidophilus. He ate really well today and seems to be taking to foods he absolutely refused before like Quinoa and beans. I am so proud of my little guy!