Friday, August 21, 2009

Session Four 6-17-09

Session 4 of HBOT with Sevyn
(diagnosis autism age 3)
Last night Sevyn slept much better and so did I. About 4 hours solid sleep then he woke crying for a drink, fallowed by another 2 ½ hours where he fussed a little, but
no screaming fit before waking for the day. Prior to HBOT we were waking with him every ½ hour to 3 hours with long inconsolable crying brakes in between restless fits of sleep. The sleeping issue is just starting to improve but believe me we notice! Today we got in the chamber early in the morning after keeping him up late. Sevyn was wide awake despite our efforts. The DVD player was fully charged and ready this time so we were able to relax and watch Sponge Bob. He’s happy to get in the chamber now because it’s the only time he can watch this cartoon! The dive was easy and a good way to start the day. He is getting used to popping his ears and comfortable in the chamber. I still cannot get Sevyn to wear the oxygen mask, but he’s been letting me hold it close to his face while he watches his cartoon. Were noticing a calmer more easy to deal with guy at home. He's been using his words more. He’s better about getting his diaper changed today then yesterday and we have noticed a little less stimming in the last few days as well. It's still happening, but gradually we are seeing a little less. The screaming self stimulation in particular has decreased and I cannot tell you how relieved we are to be hearing less of that! We also saw another formed bowel movement today, not much, but he pooped- it didn’t contain solid food matter- it wasn’t diarrhea and he doesn’t have a painful rash. We are striving to do everything we can to clean up his environment a little bit more each day and all the hard work pays off when he hugs you or says “Hey mom, flower!” and points to something- like he did today when we returned from HBO
T and he saw a new flower that had bloomed in the neighbors yard! Those little words and observations make it all worth it!
Mama’s note: Sevyn isn’t the only one benefiting from HBOT! After four consecutive days of hourly hyperbaric oxygen therapy with my son I have noticed improvements in my digestion and ability to focus. My vision seems better and my back and muscle pain more tolerable. I also have less acne and my skin color seems to be improving!

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